Today, SWA 2547 (OAK-MDW) Returned to Oakland after a nose tire blew possibly during takeoff roll. N7709 returned to Oakland after four hours and no one was injured.
(Courtesy of
Today, SWA 2547 (OAK-MDW) Returned to Oakland after a nose tire blew possibly during takeoff roll. N7709 returned to Oakland after four hours and no one was injured.
Fiji Airways will begin service to San Francisco from Nadi, Fiji on Jun 16th, 2016. They will operate two times a week, on Thursday and Sunday using the Airbus A330-200.
FJ871 will depart SFO at 23:00 and arrive at Nadi at 05:00. FJ870 will depart Nadi at 21:00 and arrive at SFO at 12:30. A family of 5 (Jason and Olga Price, two daughters and one son) was killled two days ago when their Piper PA-32, N36402, crashed at around 15:55 PST. They were flying from Reid-Hillview Airport to Henderson Executive, Nevada. Mr. Price was able to announce two mayday calls. Debris is scattered in an area of 1/4 mile, accoring to the Kern Country Sheriff. Courtesy of
(SFO. Click image for link) Yesterday, December 18th, Qantas restarted the route to San Francisco International after a hiatus of four years. They now use the Boeing 747-438(ER) (B744) on the route. Timetable for 2015: (Qantas) Qantas will increase the frequency to 5/week in January, followed by 6 in Febuary.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the official opening of the International Terminal at SFO.
According to the official Facebook page (, "the new International Terminal Complex provided a signature structure and the largest international terminal in North America at the time" (SFO). It is also the largest building on base isolators. |
(Photo by Ben Wang)
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July 2018